Choose Your Path Do you want to run ads on social? A. No, just give me that HOT google action. B. Yes, but I’d like a break from Facebook and Instagram. C. Yes, but I’d like to focus on Facebook and/or Instagram. D. I’m looking for some LinkedIn ads. E. I want it all. F. Other needs. Tell us your favorite type of online ad. A. The YouTube pre-roll. B. The promoted Pin.C. The sponsored Tweet.D. The Instagram Story placement. E. The Facebook newsfeed ad. F. The website display ad. G. The freemium app ad. H. The Reddit ad. I. I want to hear about an obscure type of ad. Do you need a brand refresh? A. No, but I want to make a brand video. B. Yes, I want to get an idea of how I can do this. C. No, but I want some brand driven content. D. I have other needs. Are you interested in influencers? A. No, but I want to try another type of campaign. B. Yes, I have a niche influencer requirement. C. Yes, and I’m not shy about a little skin if you know what I mean. D. Kind of, but I don’t know where to start. E. I have other needs.